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COLONOSCOPY / Preparations for colonoscopy

Visiting your general practitioner

Carefully read the instructions provided in the letter in which we informed you about the laboratory results of your stool sample analysis. Take the letter and all the enclosed documents to your general practitioner. Fill in the part of the questionnaire, which we have sent you, that refers to your family’s medical history (anamnesis). If you are not familiar with the details, contact the competent health institution. Your general practitioner will fill in all other sections of the questionnaire together with you. Gather all the results concerning your health condition in the recent period – your general practitioner may need them. Prepare a list of all the medications you are taking for other health problems. It is important that you tell your general practitioner exactly which medications are you taking regularly, because you may need to adjust the dosages before the colonoscopy.  Do not stop taking any medications without your doctor’s consent and follow their instructions.

You must consult your general practitioner before the colonoscopy in case you have any of the following conditions:
– Diabetes;
– Kidney, heart or lung disease;
– High blood pressure, haemophilia, epilepsy or any other chronic disease.

Prepare any questions that you have about the course of the examination, so you can ask your general practitioner. To make sure you don’t forget anything, it’s best to write them down.

After visiting your general practitioner

After the appointment with your general practitioner, call us immediately on 01/620 45 21 and inform us whether you are (or are not) medically fit for a colonoscopy. Together, we will schedule the best time and place for your examination. We will also answer any of your additional questions. We will send you by post a notice about the confirmed date and time of the colonoscopy at the selected specialist clinic.

Colon cleansing

In order for the colonoscopy to be successful, your colon must be completely clean during the examination (without any stool residues).

If your colonoscopy appointment is scheduled for morning, you should read the Instructions for colon cleansing – Morning time.

If your colonoscopy appointment is scheduled for afternoon, you should read the Instructions for colon cleansing – Afternoon time.

The colonoscopy will be successful and safe only if you follow the instructions for colon cleansing thoroughly.

We recommend that you have somebody escort you to the examination. If you are given a sedative or a painkiller during the examination, you will not be able to drive any motor vehicle for 24 hours. You may be kept in hospital for observation until the following day, so you may need someone to run some errands for you.